

SP Laboratory, in addition to technical support in terms of sampling and laboratory testing, is able to offer support in the form of expert and technical advice and presentations. SP Laboratory can offer a variety of types of training in different areas, such as:

  • methods of sampling food or animal feed for further physico-chemical or microbiological tests,
  • taking swabs of work surfaces in contact with food,
  • method of testing physico – chemical and / or microbiological parameters in food, feed, water, food contact surfaces, etc.,
  • microbiological air control and sampling methods,
  • occurrence and prevention of bacterial and viral contamination and etc.

SP Laboratorija can also offer:

  • conducting of internal audits in accordance with SRPS ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 in cases when the indepence of auditors as own employees cannot be ensured

Testing laboratories which perform laboratory activities according to SRPS ISO/IEC 17025 shall conduct internal audits in order to provide information on whether the management system complies with its own requirements and the requirements of the SRPS ISO/IEC 17025 and whether the management system is effectively applied and maintained. Internal auditors should be independent of the activities being audited in order to ensure impartiality during the audit and to support the objectivity of the audit findings.

If you are interested in these topics or have special requirements, please contact us by sending an e-mail to and we will meet you in accordance with our capabilities.