SP Laboratorija boasts a system of procedures that provides maximum reliability and efficiency, internationally recognized testing methods, as well as professional staff which is constantly expanding its knowledge in accordance with the development of new standards, methods and testing equipment. In order to maintain its leading position in the region, the company continuously invests in the abroad education of highly educated staff and insists on following innovations and world trends. Accelerated technological development requires a modern laboratory, in addition to permanent professional development, good communication with customers and teamwork.
SP Laboratorija confirms its reputation by constant engagement in the work of commissions for drafting standards, work of commissions of ministries that issue regulations on quality and safety of food and feed, groups and sections of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and other professional and regulatory bodies, as well as continuous engagement in raising criteria in the field of quality and food safety for human and animal use.
SP Laboratorija employs about 160 experts of various profiles, 40% of whom are highly educated: doctor of biological sciences, doctor of veterinary medicine, food microbiology specialists, sanitary chemistry specialists, toxicological chemistry specialist, hygiene specialists, technologists, chemists, biochemists, biologists.