Induced coupled plasma with mass spectrometer (ICP/MS) Instrument for quantitative testing of various elements (more than 30 elements of the periodic table)
HPLC (high performance liquid chromatograph) with fluorescen (FLD) and photodiode array (PDA) detector Instrument for determination of mycotoxins, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, vitamins, caffeine, Sudan dyes, etc.
Liquid chromatograph with MS / MS detector (LC/MS/MS) Instrument for determination of pesticide residues, mycotoxins, melamine, sulfonamides, antibiotics, etc.
Gas chromotograph with MS / MS detector (GC/MS/MS) Instrument for determination of pesticide residues, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), etc.
Gas chromatographer with mass spectrometer (GC/MS) Instrument for determination of pesticide residues, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), etc.
Gas chromatograph (GC) with flame-ionization (FID) and electron capture detectors (ECD) and haedspace technique (HSS) Instrument for determining the content of volatile organic components, methanol content and dithiocarbamate residues
Gas chromatograph with flame-ionization detector (GC/FID) Instrument for determining the content of total methyl esters of fatty acids, saturated, unsaturated and trans fatty acids, etc.
IC (ionic chromatogarph) with UV / VIS, conductrimetric (CD) and electrochemical detector (ECD) Instrument for determining the content of anions, cations, amino acid composition, taurine, various types of sugars, sweeteners, etc.
Isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) Instrument for testing the ratio of stable isotopes which is used to determine the authenticity, plant and geographical origin of products (alcoholic beverages, wine, honey, sugar, etc.)
Smoke machine with CO / CO2 detector Instrument for quantitative collection of tobacco smoke and determination of CO and CO2 content
Real-time PCR gene-up Thermocycler Open Mode – device for virus detection
Vidas PC – device for pathogens detection
Real-time PCR instrument for testing genetic modification and determining allergen content
Elemental nitrogen analyzer Instrument for determination of nitrogen and protein content by DUMAS method
Barley malt quality testing equipment
Automatic polarimeter instrument for determining the purity of sugar and measuring optical activity
Refractometer Instrument for determining dry matter and refractive index
Saccharoflex Instrument for determining the color type of sugar crystals
Spectrophotometer instrument for spectrophotometric tests includes measurements in the VIS / UV part of the spectrum
Spectrophotometric colorimeter Instrument for determining the color of clear liquids (Lovibond, Gardner, Pt-Co …)
Photometric reader instrument based on ELISA technique (determination of allergen content, staphylococcal enterotoxins, mycotoxins)
Infratec grain analyzer Instrument for rapid determination of the chemical composition of granular material
AW-meter Apparatus for determining water activity
Automatic titrators Instruments for automatic potentiometric titrations
Other laboratory equipment and accessories for determining quality parameters.